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GJCSCF – Monthly Meeting
Gulmohar Park

GJCSCF – Monthly Meeting

GJCSCF held its monthly meeting on 30th july 2023 at Gulmohar Club 5 PM onward. The speaker of the day was Mr. Mathew Cherian The Global  Ambassador For Aging With HelpAge International. Mr. Y. Sahay, the President of the forum welcomed  Mr. Cherian and gave a brief introduction of his biography and works. Mr Umesh Sahdev welcomed  him with a bouquet

Mr. M.Cherian in his speech informed that there were 138 million elderly persons in India in the year  2021. There will be approximately 192 million  elderly people by 2050 and every fifth  person will be an elderly person. It is necessary to plan how to promote the well-being  of elderly people and provide them proper health facilities. He explained that in cities life for elderly people is not so hard as compared to those residing in villages and remote areas with no income and less medical  facilities.

 Mr.Cherian revealed the secrets of leading an active, healthy and dignified life. He said there are three principles for active healthy old age 1.Waking up Early in the morning,  walking regularly and eating less. 2. Make social contacts, keep in touch with family friends, join social groups, do social work.3. Have and develop some hobbies, passion, learn something new and keep yourself active mentally,  physically and emotionally.

It was an interesting session and Mr. Cherian answered all questions and queries. Mrs. Geeta Jha asked permission to speak and informed that in Ayurveda  all three  principles are mentioned and she is practicing them. After that Mrs.Malvika Thakur sang “Bole re papihara” and Mrs Shashi Bhardwaj presented “Barkha bahar aei” in their melodious voice which was  enjoyed by everyone.

All birthday boys and girls were presented birthday gifts by Ms Kanta Joshi. Mr.Y.Sahay thanked Mr.M.Cherian for his valuable speech and presented him a momento.
