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Lemonade, Anyone?
Sector 104 Noida

Lemonade, Anyone?

As summer gave way to a patchy monsoon, the first thing to go up was the insane humidity level! As if on cue, on the evenings of 19, 20 & 21 July, three enterprising girls set up their first Lemonade stand opposite T4.

This was more than a refreshing surprise to our avid walkers and joggers. Having put up an ornament stall last winter, Binaesha 7.5 years, Shharvi 5.5 years (3111) and their cousin Janvi 8 years, decided to set up a lemonade stall to help people beat the intense summer heat.

After discussing the right product pricing with their mother, the girls went about creating their little menu. They didn’t just make the usual lemonade but actually had varieties on offer – sugar – free, plain lemonade, with sugar, with salt and Shikanji.

Shikanji came up as the winner while the sugar-free version was targeted at the elder walker, who would prefer a healthy drink in the midst of their routine or to relax with, at the end.These warm-hearted girls also realised the conditions under which guard-bhaiyas work, out in the open. So, they offered some of their cooling lemonade to them, for free!

Like any enterprise, theirs too had a little hiccup! While catering to a long queue of thirsty residents, they handed the wrong sibling a glass of lemonade with three heaps of sugar! Luckily, she exchanged it with her sister, and they all had a good laugh!

As tough as managing the various tasks was, the girls happily took charge of their duties. One made the lemonade, one did the sale and the tiniest one, kept account of the transactions! Commendable!

While these innocent kids did this as a fun activity, it’s definitely been a valuable learning experience for them. They will invest their earnings into their winter business and also donate to a specially – abled/ blind school.

Unbelievable, and they’re all under 10!
