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Wrong Side Driving On GFR Road is Dangerous

Wrong Side Driving On GFR Road is Dangerous

Residents Should Participate To Stop Before
A Serious Incident Happens

Wrong side driving by bikes and cars that are exiting G Block and H Block from Gate 3 and Gate 1 respectively, is becoming a huge issue for commuters. Bikers who want to go from G Block or Silver Oak to Qutub Plaza side, take the wrong side and vehicles from Gate 1 H Block who want to go from H Block to Bristol Chowk also choose to drive the wrong way. All of this is to save a 100-meter stretch and take a U-Turn.

There have been multiple close calls with residents not realising bikers are coming the wrong way. Another issue is the central verge broken at different points along this road. Bikers use the cuts to cross over to the other side again creating a huge risk for other drivers.

A resident exclaimed, “Why not have a central verge in front of Gate 1?” The issue there would be having a traffic light very close to the Qutub Plaza light which is a major crossing for residents and visitors.

H Block RWA raised this concern with the local police station which then put barricades at these gates to try and stop these bikers to take a right turn after exiting. A guard was also stationed next to the barricades but the rowdy ones who are adamant still manage to argue and sneak through. The guard was eventually asked to simply click a picture of the bikers.

The local PS recently conducted a two-day campaign to challan anyone coming on the wrong side which was fruitful but for how long? The RWA requests residents to participate and send pictures of anyone they see coming on the wrong side so that they can be reported and challaned.
