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Water Logging Is the Most Acute Problem Inside the Lanes in DLF Areas

Water Logging Is the Most Acute Problem Inside the Lanes in DLF Areas

While planning the colonies it seems that the infrastructural causes of water logging and its impact on the internal drainage system got largely ignored. Unplanned road construction, no harvesting pits and obstructed drains have resulted in water logging.

Water Logging is seasonal phenomenon, especially during rainy seasons, when high intensity rainfall causes inundation in low lying areas causing inconvenience to residents. Our Lanes are in low lying areas which gets affected by even low intensity rains.

Motor pumps were not working with the result even the houses got flooded. Senior Citizens had to be on road as basements were flooded. It took 2-3 hours for the water to recede from the flooded roads.

Drain cleaning was done, some Harvest pits were cleaned but results were not good once high intensity rainfall poured.

Rapid urbanisation is becoming hurdle in the transformation of natural surfaces by replacing them with hard surfaces that prevents rainwater from entering soil.

Most houses don’t have drain outlets they are encroached with gardens. Builders and residents are not challaned for not building proper drains and wherever they are built they are covered by concrete ramps and roadside gardens.

Other factors that are affecting the situation is the unplanned urban growth, low landscape profile, land cover change and lack of drainage facilities that play such a crucial role.

Water logged roads not only lead to traffic snarls but also affect health and safety.

We recommend don’t drive through waterlogged areas and stay away from Electric Poles hanging wires and Electric Meters. Stay away from Sewerage lines, gutters and open drains
Sprinkle Insecticides in stagnant water.

by Poonam Jain (A-40/22, 9810203415)
