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Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head

Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head

The wettest June in 6 years.

After 62 years monsoon arrives on the same day in Mumbai and Delhi.

These are the headlines we are seeing nowadays. The blessed rains are most welcome after the scorching heat we were facing.

How much rain is too much rain! Ask those who have to wade through knee deep water to buy daily essentials or those whose vehicles stall on roads that are miniature pools. Trees fell due to strong winds, the soil washed away due to incessant rains. Traffic snarls became a daily story.

Their heart does a somersault when they hear the thunder and then the pitter patter of raindrops. People exulted when May was cooled by rains, but when June promised more and more, they were none too happy.

Ah! The rains gods can’t please everyone! Children are happy to play in the rain, some adults become children in the rain, splashing water on each other and getting soaked to the skin. The house bound opened all windows to let in the cool breeze and the gently wafting smell of rain on mud and fragrance of flowers. Tea and snacks follow.

Thirsty and listless plants glistened, being washed and nourished. They grew upwards with gay abandon, welcoming and thankful for the cool life giving drops.

So rains are a mixed bag but we can’t do without them.
