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Sector 15A Noida

Mandeep Questions RWA’s Hesitation in Reporting the Scrap Dealer to the Police

Young Thieves Stole Building Material & Sold It to the 15A Kabadiwala

On 2 Jun Madhavi Bhatia ( Wrote: Dear residents I would like to inform that last night 4 children of domestic staff, one being son of my domestic out house lady, were caught stealing iron rods outside house 236 by Thakur and Pawan who just came to my house to brief me of the incident. Apparently these 4 kids have been stealing and burring the materials and selling them to Kabadiwala. The boy from my outhouse is missing since last night. Security have spoken to the parents of the other 3 who reside in house 209B, 315. I have instructed the security to be alert as they could go to any level of stealing or harming.

Subsequently, there was a Whatsapp message from Mandeep Vinaik:

I have read a disturbing message in the official RWA group which seems to indicate that some juveniles were caught stealing and selling the stolen material to one Hanif Kabadiwala. While I can completely understand the concealment of the names of juveniles, what I am not able to understand is the hesitation to report the Scrap Dealer to the local police. What has been stated instead is that a hearing will be given to the Scrap Dealer before reporting the matter to the police. This leads me to ask some questions, which are (a) Is the RWA Executive some self-styled judicial body that interrogates persons suspected of crime? (b)  Does the RWA Executive arrogate to itself, powers under the Code of Criminal Procedure? These questions are important and I am calling into question the decision of the RWA to act as a law enforcement agency. Last year, when the previous committee had caught thieves, they were immediately handed over to the police as every good citizen should do.

Samvada’s Take: The Kabadiwala in question probably has a long-standing contract with the RWA and he pays the RWA for letting him operate in the Sector. This could be one of the reasons why the RWA is reluctant to report him to the police. Buying stolen material in the Sector is a breach of trust and should be dealt with sternly. The RWA should let the residents know what action has been taken against him in the matter.
