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Amritvani Pooja
Sector 30, 31 & 36

Amritvani Pooja

Every Tuesday from 4.30 pm to 5.45 pm we have Amritvani Pooja in our society hall. About 20 to 25 ladies collect and chant Amritvani, Hanuman Chalisa and sing 2 bhajans. Badhai bhajan is also sung if someone’s birthday or anniversary falls during that particular week. Diya is lighted and after the worship is completed and over, Parshad is distributed by the lady who has sponsored the Pooja.

Talented ladies play musical instruments, like dholak, manjira and khartal. Ladies host the Pooja in turns. A whatsapp group of all the devotees is made. The group admin announces the host of that particular day. It is all done voluntarily.

During the pandemic time we had virtual Amritvani prayer service. By God’s grace after the covid we have started having on regular basis. This Pooja began about 15 years back and since then, except for the covid time, there has been no gap.

Prayers foster a sense of connection with The Almighty and guide us to express our gratitude for all that we have received from God.

We hope and pray this Pooja continues the way it is being held and the number of ladies increase with time.

by Rita Varma (C-001, Ram Vihar 9811621371)
