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AGM Of Anand Lok Held
Gulmohar Park

AGM Of Anand Lok Held

New managing Committee elected unopposed!

The Annual General Body Meeting of Anand lok Residents Association was held on 30TH April 2023 at DVCC at 10 am. The President Sh Rohit Khera wel-comed the members present for the AGM at 10.00 AM. In the absence of quorum, the meeting was adjourned and recalled at 10.15 AM.

The Annual Report for the period 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023 was approved by the house (proposed by Sh Mukul Bawa and seconded by Dr SP Agarwal). The Audited Balance Sheet and statement of Accounts for the period 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023 were approved by the members present.

After lots of discussion the proposal was adopted by the house to raise subscription in round figure i.e. Rs 1500/-. Now the annual subscription amount is 18500/-. It was proposed and agreed that payment of annual Subscription in case of rented premises would be the responsibility of the owner of the said premise.

The report of the Election Officers was read by the Election officer Shri Mukul Bawa. As there was only one nomination for each of the office bearers i.e. President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and eleven nominations received for the eleven post of members all were declared elected without any election procedure. New Managing Committee for the year 2023-24 was elected and new members of the Managing Committee were introduced.

After the election procedure the outgoing President invited the new president to address the gathering. Shri Ashok Mandal suggested the new committee to look into the urgent need of cleaning of Rain Water Harvesting units. President Shri Pankaj Gupta assured him that it will be done shortly. After that no other point was discussed the meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair.
