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Lets Recycle Plastic Together!
Green Park Main & Ext.

Lets Recycle Plastic Together!

A journey towards a greater change

A question that I often ask myself is if our generation is wiser than the next generation or is it the other way around. The little parenting experience that I have gained over the past 13 years has taught me that every generation needs to work harder and more collectively in bringing a transformation as society becomes more complex with time.

As a mother of a 13 year old, Jiya, I was running around her, making sure she gets good grades, eats healthy food, gets enough outdoor time, takes her piano lessons and so on. Somewhere in this race, I saw a disconnect, I missed seeing the spark in Jiya regarding concern for the environment. Though as a young girl she had always expressed her love for nature through her short poems and paintings, now as she entered her teens as a confident young girl, her drive to make a sensible impact was getting stronger, she wanted to start taking small steps, which hopefully one day would finally end up improving sustainable living. This spring break as we sat down discussing the climatic changes, people falling ill due to pollution, landfills being burnt, marine life being affected, micro plastics in human blood stream, I saw Jiya more concerned than ever and her approach became determined and clear, she immediately knew something had to be started.

So she began with collecting plastic waste that she could send for recycling with the hope they would eventually produce less new plastic. I too was convinced with the idea as I thought this is a need and not a choice. One thing led to another and we got connected with Mrs. Aditi Chopra resident of Green Park Main, who in her own way has been persistently working towards bringing a change with the same concern. This motivated us further and we decided to collect as much plastic waste from the neighborhood as possible. Now Jiya has teamed up her younger brother Arya to collect plastic waste from all possible places in our colony and send them to Bisleri Bottle for Change, that turns used plastic into new items and thereby plastic ends up being recycled and doesn’t end up in a landfill, and in turn it would be lesser newer plastic required and produced.

During the collection drive, Jiya and Arya are overwhelmed by the love and affection shown by the fellow residents of Green Park for this cause. The Green Park Residents contributions and support has truly encouraged and shown the right direction to the children towards the journey for a great change!

Thanks for your support!

by Radhika Ahuja (9910254060)
