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Battling Pigeon Menace @Ivy
Sushant Lok 1

Battling Pigeon Menace @Ivy

Pigeons an all-pervasive menace otherwise, assume alarming proportions in condominiums, owing to the multiple crevices and ledges, the apartments provide. While there are numerous
options available in the market, from installing spikes and pigeon nets, ultra-sonic sound devices to repelling gel/tape, the only one that seems to work somewhat, is the humble Pigeon net.

This month, one enterprising resident, decided to Walk the WhatsApp Talk and get residents to come together and take a more comprehensive approach. After numerous suggestions and deliberations, it was decided that the common areas would be covered jointly and for the balconies, sab apna-apna dekh lo. While the RWA covered the roof entrances to the shafts and installed deflector eagle cutouts, residents of D court, have come together to cover the entire length of their shaft with pigeon net, for uniformity.

Quotes were taken from a company, compliance issues were checked, including insurance for the workers and then action began to block access to the shafts, so they can no longer serve as a breeding ground for the kabootars. While most would go with White colour net, on the suggestion of one resident, Black colour was explored and found to blend in better and that’s what is being now used to cover all the shafts. They sure are using all the “ loop holes” they can, to fight the pigeon menace.

by Renu Dwivedi (The Ivy, 98100 08831)
