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Gulmoharians Usher In Holi
Gulmohar Park

Gulmoharians Usher In Holi

As always, residents, members and their guests were eagerly looking forward to the Holi celebrations at the Gulmohar Centre. This annual event perhaps is the most eagerly awaited every year but unfortunately had either not been held or not held upto the expectations mainly due to the Covid and its aftermath. However, this year was different and the Centre, its managing committee and the staff ensured that no stone was left unturned to make this Holi celebration the bestest ever.

The bright and colourful decoration was most welcoming and what followed was a pure, unadulterated fun filled afternoon. The DJ belted out one chart buster after the other, the water sprinklers worked their magic, the Thandai/Gujiya offered by the Centre, the feeling of the whole community coming together was so evident. Revelers ranged from 3 year olds to 80 year youngsters. The best part of course was the feeling of security in spite of the frenzy all around. The staff went out of its way to make this a most memorable afternoon for everyone present. The delicious fare offered by the Centres kitchen and of course the well stocked bar was an added attraction. It was a pleasure to see smiles all around and the feeling of bonhomie was very very obvious. All in all, a well celebrated festival and we all eagerly look forward to many more such community bonding celebrations.
