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Sector 15A Noida

Boy From Oil India Servant Quarters Falls to Death from His Broken Balcony!

It’s surprising that such a tragic death of a little three-year-old boy from the Oil India servant-quarters under most unusual circumstances did not create a flutter in the 15A community.

15A was mourning a resident’s death when by chance somebody posted this message in passing: “Let us also pray for the three-year-old boy, Arhan, who passed away in the Oil India Staff Quarters. He fell from the second floor, was taken to the AIIMS Trauma Centre but unfortunately he couldn’t survive his head injury. Let us all pray that the little soul rests in peace and may the Lord give strength to the grieving family.”

I learnt of this tragic death when the boy’s uncle, who happens to be my car cleaner, told me about the tragic incident. The boy had fallen from a broken balcony. I was aghast to learn that in today’s world we still have crumbling balconies and that too in 15A.

One wonders if our RWA executives, especially the Secretary who stays right opposite SQs, took stern action against the Oil India administration for not fixing its broken infrastructure and thus causing a tragic human loss. We are quick at filing FIRs but I don’t think even an investigation was done in this case. Probably because the boy was the son of an ordinary poor driver?

I recall a few years ago, under the leadership of then president SP Bagla, the RWA undertook a massive overhaul of the badly run-down Indian Oil and Oil India servant quarters. The quarters were falling apart and they were in such bad shape that for the 15A community it had become a big eye sore, not to mention the sorry conditions under which the inmates were forced to live.

It’s certainly time again that this issue is given a fresh impetus and a new structural overhaul is done. We should have done this much earlier but let’s not let this tragic death pass unnoticed, let’s dive into the depth of this humanity crisis and remedy the situation.

by Veenod Aggarwal (, 9810081630)
