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Complete the Ambience of the Club Dining Room
Sector 26 Noida

Complete the Ambience of the Club Dining Room

Club management has made lot of effort and spent money in upgrading the dining room. The furniture has been upgraded, new lights and infrastructure has been put in place.

The new look is giving the dining hall an inviting feel. We believe a professional architect & designer was handed over the charge to do the job.

Even though our club is a colony club but it is important to understand that ultimately, it’s in the hospitality sector and it’s important to upgrade all services and bring them to the next level. The ambience of the place doesn’t get completed if the quality of service and people behind it are not trained well to serve the members and their guests.

The other day when five of us were there we ordered something which was probably not available and one of us questioned the waiter who was taking the order. The waiter instead of politely taking the dissent retorted back at the lady, which was definitely not acceptable. The waiter was wearing crumpled dress, his posture was as if he was leaning, while taking the order he had no slip to write as he had decided that he could remember the order.

I wouldn’t say that it was all his fault because he has not been trained to do that service professionally. In the hospitality industry or for that matter in any industry all service providers are trained every day and given pep talks on how to serve a client. A young pass out from a hotel management school would be able to do this very well. Who can be better than the president of the club to understand what we mean because he himself runs a big and highly successful professional company.

The club executive committee should also enforce dress code in the Bar and the dining room. Normally guests in slippers, sneakers and round neck T-shirts are not allowed.
