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Boards Shoards Hai Rabba!

“Woohoo! Here comes our Board student!” Well, when you enter a late-night party and your friends greet you with such comments, you sure know it’s an overly anxious mommy who has cut down heavily from being a ‘social butterfly’ to a ‘trapped at home’ mom.

Of course, out of choice, no compulsions! It’s a no-brainer that times have changed. Board examinations don’t quite hold the same weightage (in many ways and in view of many) as was the case in our times.

There is no denial that the stress exists. The anxieties exist. For children and for their parents. In most cases, I feel, the stress is an outflow of our own insecurities, which we pass on to our children based on our own experiences of similar times.

This generation is way smarter, more intelligent, and more willing to explore and venture into the unknown and lesser travelled roads. But we, as parents, are often worried about their scorecards because let’s admit it, we’re Indian parents.

Please don’t judge. Are we to be blamed or can we also be empathized with? We were brought up with the philosophy that marks mattered always! We were always part of the rat race.

Ever heard someone say, “Oh, don’t stress so much. These kids are smart. They will do well. We too were in your space. Now we realize it wasn’t worth all the stress and anxiety.”? Well, true that, but my dear considerate friend, I am yet to cross that bridge.

Maybe, post the board examination results, we 10th and 12th grader parents will also join your ‘Take – No – Stress’ club but till then maybe not!

Best wishes all!

by Nidhi Bragta (11223)
