Meghdutam Rangmanch organised a one-hour Zumba session on Sunday, 5 March morning. Zumba is a powerful exercise which mainly involves cardio-system that helps in burning 300–400 calories in one session. The program commenced with two warm-up songs followed by around a dozen energetic dancing tracks. Within ten minutes of the start, there were 55 enthusiasts on stage, ranging from children to senior citizens, though predominantly women. Everyone showed great energy and displayed their best dance moves.
Zumba is a total body workout that combines cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility. It curbs back pain by increasing your range of motion in your vertebrae. Shifting to one side, placing weight on one leg, lunging and squatting, strengthens the lower limb (quadriceps, glutes, calf and hamstring) building strength and stability.
Zumba keeps you mentally active, is a great stress-buster, reduces depression and anxiety, and provides considerable social benefits since you feel good dancing and sweating with like-minded people.
Finally, zumba dancing in the outdoors, in a green ambience with fresh and clean air, boosts a feeling of well-being and life satisfaction.
Sunil and Muskan led the session and did a wonderful job by offering participants a wide repertoire of dance moves that kept them energized on their feet, providing appropriate brief rests in between. Crowd kept asking for more, and was high on dance ‘josh’ throughout the session.
Meghdutam Rangmanch organised the workout session at the amphitheatre to promote a culture of fitness among Noida residents. And sure enough, there was a good turnout. The grand circular stage was overflowing with participants!
Special thanks to Pankaj Sharma (Meghdutam Apartment) for ensuring the sound system was in place and tested before the event started. Pankaj Sahasrabuddhe and Vaishali Mehta very kindly loaned their portable speakers for the event. Many thanks to Sunil and Muskan, and the enthusiastic crowd for making it a grand success.
On the request of participants, Meghdutam Rangmanch intends to conduct workout sessions at the amphitheatre on a regular basis. Look out for the next poster!
by Aarti Jain (9953000298) and Vinod Agarwal (9899437350)
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