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Workshop on Waste Management
Sector 39 Noida

Workshop on Waste Management

RWA Sector 39 in association with an organization, conducted ‘Orientation and Training’ programme for maidservants, on ‘Segregation of Waste at Household level’ on 9 February in C block market.

Around 60 maids of our sector participated. The meeting started with emphasis on the hygiene and beautification of Noida and sector 39 .The session started with explanation on demarcation of different types of wastes – dry, wet, hazardous and e-waste .There was also emphasis on use of cotton bags instead of single use plastic to avoid further deterioration of the environment.

During the meeting a pretest related to different types of wastes on pictorial MCQ sheets was conducted .The team gave a detailed explanation of waste management through pictorial presentation on waste segregation and then post test was conducted.

The meeting was attended by Rahul Nayyer vice president RWA 39, T S Arora general secretary RWA 39 , Gunjan Bhatia, Abhishek, Vibha, Meenakshi, Salman and Shweta.

The meeting concluded with an oath to be an aware citizen and support the waste management initiative. Steel lunch boxes were given to the maidservants and domestic helps as token of appreciation. Refreshment was also provided.

by Gunjan Bhatia (C-79)
