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Sector 39 Noida

Making Our Sector Safer Through Self Awareness And Other Measures

Safety is an inclusive issue and not a single person responsibility hence all sector residents need self awareness to drive safely and create a culture of self discipline. Our RWA has taken several initiatives in the sector to promote road safety and discipline.

Some of the measures include glow signs, sign boards and desired number of speed breakers so that overall safely of sector can be assured.

However there are certain more measures which are required which include regular training sessions at RWA, pamphlets describing best practices, mirrors at bends and deployment of speed guns at major points.

Another major factor rash driving is giving cars or motorcycles to kids and underage children which brings in rash driving and leading to accidents.

Apart from above , another major improvement in the sector which can be done is of parking of cars at desired places inside white lines on roads and avoid encroachment of roads of sector they generators or guard rooms over spilling on roads.

In the nutshell self care and awareness is a major driver for ensuring safely in our sector.

To achieve best practices, we should encourage experts in this field of traffic management and road signage’s to come forward and give their useful suggestions.

by Gunjan Bhatia ( C-79)
