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Creativity Showcased by ATS Greens 1 Kids
Sector 50 A-E

Creativity Showcased by ATS Greens 1 Kids

On 27 November 2022, ATS Greens 1, in collaboration with the sponsorship of an insurance company, celebrated Children’s Day on the society’s campus.

To glorify the occasion, a painting competition was organized on the central lawn of the society, where enthusiastic children participated and were distributed into three age groups. All the children received refreshments and certificates of participation from the sponsors; the second and third positions received a memento, and the first prize winner received attractive shopping vouchers for online shopping.

This kind of event promotes a sense of creativity and helps kids showcase their crafts. However, “Children’s Day is incomplete unless elderly citizens merge with their younger generations”; to celebrate on a sunny Sunday, vibrant seniors and their families graced the occasion. They won shopping coupons from an online shopping platform in two rounds of a nail-biting closed tombola event organized after the painting competition.

The finale was all the more endearing along with the events – all the residents there celebrated the “marriage anniversary” of one of the resident couples by cutting a big cake and distributing the chocolate to the kids.

This is a mark of love and the community camaraderie that binds the ATS family together in the celebratory occasions.

by Ashwani Kumar Verma (ATS Greens 1, Sector-50; 9873437353)
