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Waste Segregation Taught To School Children
Green Park Main & Ext.

Waste Segregation Taught To School Children

by Aditi Chopra

On November 15th 2022 Shikha Gupta, Gunjan Jain, Neha Singh, Jayati Agarwal, Ritika from Round Table Club and residents of Green Park community and Aditi Chopra from Green Park KudaAbhiyan undertook an initiative of donating educational toys, books and puzzles in Jain Modern Public school, Green Park Extension.

A session on waste segregation was given by Aditi Chopra to all the kids of the school from age varying from 6 years to 16 years. A small story was narrated on waste segregation at source and then an interactive question and answer round took place. Kids took keen participation in learning about landfills, harmful effects it has on our environment and how we as responsible citizens can bring about a difference by following waste segregation at source into wet, dry and hazardous waste.

The importance of Four R’s: Refuse, Reduce, Recycle, Reuse was given and if we manage our waste well at home then it can be a big help for the environment. Later games, puzzles and painting activities were also played with the young kids. Overall it was a great informative interactive session with all the kids. I really hope in the near future we are able to undertake more and more of such initiatives in schools.

We thank the President Mr. Surendra K.Jain and his entire staff of the school who were very supportive and cooperative in helping us to undertake the session with his school children.

1 Comment

  1. Meena Wanchu

    Great initiative. The sooner they are taught the better for the environment. Kudos!
