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90th Birthday Greetings
Greater Kailash 1

90th Birthday Greetings

Vijay Lakhan Pal Ji, a resident of W block and past president of Arya Samaj Kailash-Greater Kailash-1, celebrated his 90th birthday on February 16, 2025. Vijay Ji is a staunch Arya Samaj worker, the son of former vice chancellor Gurukul Kangri; he was the Director (Marketing) of Murphy Radio (we all remember the advertisement of the smiling baby with a finger on her cheeks). He has popularised Arya Samaj values through the publication and distribution of books written by his father and continues to edit Arya Sandesh (the monthly newsletter of Arya Samaj Greater Kailash-1). During his tenure as President of Arya Samaj Greater Kailash-1, he has made tremendous contributions by initiating several new initiatives, including the construction of the Brij Mohan Munjal Vedic Centre at a cost of over 25 crores through donations. He is fit and active and attends Arya Samaj every day for his editorial work and never misses Sunday Havan and Pravchan, where he introduces the speaker and the topic. God bless Vijay Ji with many more years of active life.
